МБОУ "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №27 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов" г. Старый Оскол Белгородской обл. ЦЕЛЬ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ - ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКА ДУХОВНОГО. ЯЗЫК и КУЛЬТУРА - нерасторжимое, духовное единство.

Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

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In most ways, Sarah McCarthy is your average high schooler. She has a job, college plans, but also a peculiar passion for a 16-year-old: She’s a vinyl junkie. And none of that hipster new stuff. To this senior high school student, there’s nothing like the raw crackle, the depth of sound, her delicate hand on diamond-tipped stylus to spin from the dusty stash of records she found in the basement of her grandfather. “He gave me his receiver and speaker system and told me to listen to it the way it was made to be listened to,” McCarthy said. “I’ve turned a lot of my friends on to it. They come over a lot to listen with me.” At a time when parents feel positively prehistoric as they explain how to use plastic ice-cube trays or speak of phones with cords and dials, this teen knows what a record is. Not only that, she knows the difference between a 45 and an LP. She met her boyfriend in a record shop and now works there. “Listening to old music remastered to a newer format is almost comical,” Sarah said. “They weren’t meant to be digitalised. Listening to Jimi Hendrix on my iPod doesn’t capture his endlessly deep guitar solos quite like a 33 LP of ‘Blues’ does.” This girl’s in love with vinyl, and she’s not the only member of Generation Digital with an ear for records.

1) True           2) False                       3) Not stated

1.             Sarah is no way an ordinary girl.  

2.             Sarah’s hobby is collecting vinyl records.

3.             Sarah’s granny gave all the records to her.          

4.             Sarah’s friends also enjoy her hobby.      

5.            Sarah also collects phones with cords and dials.

6.            Sarah’s hobby helped her to find a job.

7.            Music of the 60-s is not meant for CDs.

8.            iPod is a device which can show all the beauty of a guitar solo.

 Ключи:1.– 2; 2.–1; 3.– 3; 4.– 1; 5.– 2; 6.– 1; 7.– 1; 8.– 2.

2. Complete this text using the correct word from the box.




opportunity   violence     choice     addiction     absence     need        almost

The most negative effect of the Internet might be people’s (1)_____ to it. People often feel a strange and powerful (2)______ to spend time on the network. Addiction to a computer screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction: people (3)_______ never believe they are addicted. One more disadvantage of the Internet is the (4)_______ of information control. Children receive wide access to porno sites and sites with (5)______ and promoting hate. From that, how much we know about the Internet depends on the (6)_______ we make and how effectively we use the (7)_______ of the Internet in our time.


 Ключи:1. addiction; 2. need; 3. almost; 4. absence; 5. violence; 6. choice; 7. opportunities.


Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

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Second Career

Jeff Statham: This is my car that I’ve had for years now, made in Canada. I worked in the automotive industry for about the last 12 or 13 years, a plant in Whitby. We produced the seats for the cars built here in Oshawa. Continuous layoffs - and eventually I got hit by them - and now I’m here. I’m currently in the Second Careers program here at Durham College. I’m in the law and security administration program and my ultimate goal is to become a police officer. It’s been great. I love the program.

Ted Dionne (Instructor, Durham College): It gives someone like Jeff an opportunity to do something that he may have wanted to do. He probably had it in the back of his mind that he wanted to do something different visualizing what you want to do in the future …

Jeff Statham: I’ve wanted to go back to school for years but with shifts it’s hard to do. Money is not always there to do it so this Second Careers covers my schooling and it’s a perfect opportunity for me.

Jeanette Barrett (Second Career rep): The Second Career provides financial support to go back to school to do up to a 2-year program. Our Second Career advisor keeps in touch with them.

Jeff Statham: I’ve never really had report cards at work worthy of putting on the fridge, but at the end of my first semester I ended up on the dean’s list, so now my mother finally has a report card on her fridge.

John Milloy (Minister of Training, Colleges & Universities): For workers like Jeff, Second Career is ideal. We have a network of service providers throughout the province called Employment Ontario and they serve as an entry point for anyone who is looking for a job in the province. We work with them to find the best course of action.

Jeff Statham: We have two kids at home that we have to make sure get their homework done, so I’ll make sure I’ll get my homework done as well. Just being in school now I feel a hundred times better, so I’m really looking forward to whatever the future holds.


1) True           2) False                       3) Not stated


1.             Jeff Statham has lost his job in the car industry.

2.             Jeff Statham has been studying to get a new profession.           

3.             Jeff Statham finds the Second Career program difficult to cope with.

4.             The Second Career program gives a chance to take up a profession of a dream.           

5.            Jeff Statham wanted to work at school.

6.            Jeff Statham can only cover the schooling program in the Second Career.

7             One should have a financial support from his company to do in the Second Career.

8.            Jeff Statham has tuned out to be an A student.

 Ключи: 1.– 1; 2.– 1; 3.– 3; 4.– 1; 5.– 2; 6.– 2; 7.– 2; 8.– 3.

2. Complete the text. Use the words: focuses, lessons, running, feelings, conflicts, respect, government, across.

Pupils to get lessons in respect

Schools in England are to get 13.7 m pounds more to teach pupils manners, (1)__________ and good behaviour.

The new Children’s Secretary Ed Balls wants pupils in all primary and secondary schools to have (2)____________ in social and emotional skills by 2011. A programme already (3)_________ in 60% of primary schools, which helps children deal with anger, anxiety and. conflicts is being rolled out (4)__________ the nation. It has had a major impact on behaviour and attainment, the (5)____________ says. The programme (6)____________ on encouraging pupils to understand themselves, manage their (7)__________ and promote social skills and the understanding of others.

 Ключи: 1.respect; 2. lessons; 3. running; 4. across; 5. government; 6. focuses; 7. feelings.




Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса

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The clever little bird.


A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird.

“I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the cat and jumps into the tree.

“Hello, little Bird,” says the cat.

“Good news!” says the cat.

The cat says, “Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I like you very much.”

“Yes, she says. “ You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I can see the forest”

“And what do you see in the forest?” says the cat. The Bird says, “I see many dogs and they are near the tree”.

“Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away.

“Don’t run away’. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.

“I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs away.


I. Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа,  знаком (+), не соответствующие- знаком (-)

1. A little bird doesn’t see a cat.

2. The cat jumps into the tree.

3. The cat talks good news.

4.  The bird sees many dogs near the tree.

5. The dogs don’t know the news.  


II. Найдите эквиваленты

1. прыгает на дерево

2. я голоден

3. хочет убежать

4. в лесу

5. много собак


III. Выбери правильную форму

1. The cat see / sees a little bird.

2. The little bird  are / is clever.

3. I can see / to see the forest.

4. The dogs don’t / doesn’t know

5. You  is / are my friend.

Тест по английскому языку для учащихся 3 класса

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The clever little bird.


A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird.

“I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the cat and jumps into the tree.

“Hello, little Bird,” says the cat.

“Good news!” says the cat.

The cat says, “Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I like you very much.”

“Yes, she says. “ You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I can see the forest”

“And what do you see in the forest?” says the cat. The Bird says, “I see many dogs and they are near the tree”.

“Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away.

“Don’t run away’. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.

“I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs away.


I. Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа,  знаком (+), не соответствующие- знаком (-)

  1. A big cat sees the bird.
  2. The cat is hungry.
  3. The bird is not very clever.
  4. The cat has got good news.
  5. The bird sees many cats near the tree.


II. Найдите эквиваленты


1. большой серый кот

2. хорошие новости

3. пойдём ко мне

4. рядом с деревом

5. убегает


III. Выбери правильную форму


1. The cat comes / come.

2. The bird are / is clever.

3. You know / knows it.

4. The dogs doesn’t / don’t know the news.

5. I am / is hungry.

Essay. Prospects Of Modern School.

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Prospects of modern school.

Nowadays some people may hold the opinion that computers will never replace teachers. Others argue that they will.


As far as I am concerned, computers have already become a part of education, and the process seems to be irreversible. Still, the computer will hardly replace the teacher completely. Firstly, the students expect to be taught. Secondly, students normally perform better when they are under the supervision of a teacher because this brings a sense of responsibility towards studies. Thirdly, teachers do not only provide information and teach students to organize it, but they instill values, attitudes and behaviors in children, understand their needs, motivate and encourage them. They help them to overcome attitudinal problems, low self confidence, attention problems and personality disorders.


Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion. According to it, there is a great challenge to teachers in all levels of education in this situation. Universities are offering online degrees to students. These students attend classes at their convenience without the face-to-face interaction of their peers and instructors. This trend is catching on in public education. Virtual schools and home-schooling are available for students.


However, I feel the human contact is a must in teaching. Computers cannot have “understanding” of a student with special needs, do not have the ability to communicate with them in a social manner. Good teachers impart not only their knowledge to students but they also care about them, doing anything to make them progress and learn.


In conclusion, there is no doubt that computers will never be substitutes for teachers.


Урок английского языка во 2 классе (УМК Кузовлев В.П.)

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Разработка урока английского языка


Учитель: Кузина Е.В. , МБОУ «СОШ №27 с УИОП»

УМК  “English-2” , авторы: Кузовлев В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш., Стрельникова О.В., Пастухова С.А.

Lesson 38
Can you swim?

Цели урока: 
социокультурный аспект: продолжение знакомства с персонажами русских сказок и сказок англоязычных стран; 

 развивающий аспект: развитие языковых способностей: к имитации, выявлению языковых закономерностей, развитие интонационного слуха; развитие способностей к решению речемыслительных задач: формулированию выводов, коммуникабельности; развитие психических процессов и функций: внимания, памяти, мышления (мыслительная операция – сравнение), таких качеств ума , как логичность, самостоятельность, развитие творческого воображения; развитие компенсаторных умений: использовать речевые образцы в качестве опоры при построении собственных высказываний; развитие учебных умений (общеучебных и специальных): работать с  грамматическим справочником, заполнять таблицы, сотрудничать со сверстниками;      

воспитательный аспект: воспитание доброжелательного отношения к сверстникам, расширение  познавательных потребностей, формирование интереса к чтению; формирование стремления знать и соблюдать санитарно-гигиенические правила и здоровьесберегающий режим дня; формирование потребности участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации: принимать решения, давать оценки, уважительно относиться к собеседнику, его мнению;

 учебный аспект: формирование грамматических навыков; совершенствование навыков чтения по транскрипции, произносительных навыков  и навыков каллиграфии.

 Языковой материал: 
грамматический: модальный глагол  Can в вопросительных предложениях (общий вопрос и краткий ответ): Can you ... ? — Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

Речевые функции: asking about ability/inability to do smth (Can you hunt?).
Оснащение урока: аудиомагнитофон, аудиозапись, мультимедийная доска, электронное приложение к УМК ABBYY
Ход урока:

  1. I.                  Greeting. Warming up activities. 

T.: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? 

Ch: We are fine! 

      II. Going over homework.

T.: Let’s go over your homework.
1. SB ex. 7 (AB ex. 3), Lesson 37. Riddles for Peter Pan.
T: Вы разгадали загадку Питера Пэна? Какие загадки вы придумали для Питера Пэна? Let’s read and guess them. 
      Ch: (читают загадки, отгадывают) 
      2. “My Friend”. Глава 3. “My Friend can ...”. 
T: Open your Activity Books and tell us what your Friend can or can’t do. 

      III. Can you swim? Формирование грамматических навыков.

1)Презентация грамматического явления: вопросительное предложение с глаголом can, краткие ответы на вопросы.

  • ·        SB ex. 1. 1)

Т: Для того чтобы жить на острове, Венди и ее братья должны многое уметь. Peter Pan wants to know what Wendy and her brothers can do. How does Peter Pan ask Wendy about it? What does Wendy answer? Listen and read. 
      Ch: (слушают и читают под фонограмму)     

 — Can you swim?
 — Yes, I can.
 — Can you hunt?
 — No, I can’t.

 T: You know the word “can. Translate this word into Russian, will you?
 Ch: Могу, умею.
 T: That’s right. Предложение Can you swim? Какое?

Ch: Вопросительное.

Т.: Чему мы научимся на сегодняшнем уроке? На какое место ставится глагол can, если мы хотим задать вопрос?
Ch: (возможные ответы)

Т: Верно! Для того чтобы расспросить друг друга о том, кто что умеет делать, мы используем этот же глагол, только ставим его перед подлежащим. Обратите внимание на таблицу. Из утвердительного предложения “I can swim” (Я умею плавать) можно сделать вопросительное, переместив глагол can на первое место, а вместо подлежащего I можно поставить любое местоимение в зависимости от того, кого мы хотим расспросить. For example: Can you swim? (А ты умеешь плавать?) На такой вопрос обычно отвечают кратко: Yes, I can. (Да, умею.)/Nо, I can’t. (Нет, не умею.)


2) Отработка грамматического явления: вопросительное предложение с глаголом can, краткие ответы на вопросы в речи учащихся.

  • ·        SB ex. 1. 2)

 Т:  Look at the chart. Посмотрите на таблицу. What else does Peter ask Wendy? What does Wendy answer? Listen to their conversation and check. 

 T:  Ученики работают в парах. Один задает вопрос, исполняя роль Питера Пэна, другой отвечает, исполняя роль Джона/ Майкла.

      Pupil 1: Can you climb?
      Pupil 2: Yes, I can.
      Pupil 3: Can you jump well?
      Pupil 4: Yes, I can.
      Pupil 5: Can you run well?
      Pupil 6: Yes, I can.
      Pupil 7: Can you fish?
      Pupil 8: No, I can’t.


  • SB ex. 1. 3) Ученики работают в группах.

T: Lets role play! Let’s divide into groups of three. Those who play the role of Peter Pan ask John and Michael about what they can do. Those who play the roles of John and Michael answer Peter Pan’s questions. Правильные ответы уже отмечены в таблице в учебнике.

      Pupil 1 (Peter Pan): John, can you swim?
      Pupil 2 (John): Yes, I can. I can swim very well.
      Pupil 1 (Peter Pan): Michael, can you swim?
      Pupil 3 (Michael): No, I can’t. I can’t swim well.
      (И так далее с глаголами hunt, climb, jump, run, fish.)


  • ·        Action game.

 Т.: Let’s play "Miming game”.       Один из вас показывает, что он умеет делать, остальные пытаются отгадать, что он(а) делает, задавая вопросы.

Первого водящего мы выберем, используя считалочку, например: “One little Indian…”.

      — Can you hunt?
      — Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
      Тот, кто отгадает, выходит к доске, показывает то, что он/она умеет делать.

  • What can the lost boys do? Чтение/ аудирование текста с целью извлечения информации
    SB ex. 2. 1)

T: Now Wendy and her brothers want to know what the lost boys can do. How do they ask Peter Pan about it? How does he answer?
Ch: (слушают и читают под фонограмму)
      — Can they fish?
      — Yes, they can.
      — Can they hunt animals?
      — Yes, they can.
      — Can they swim?
      — Yes, they can.


SB ex. 2. 2

T:  Что узнали Венди и ее братья о том, что умеют делать потерянные мальчишки? So what can the lost boys do? 
 Ch: They can fish, hunt animals and swim well.
 T: Good for you.

  • ·        Закрепление изученного грамматического явления.

Т.: Let’s play “Who is it?”.

SB ex. 3 (AB ex. 1)    

T: Let’s play "Who is it?". Many fairy-tale characters can do a lot. (Think of a fairy-tale character.) Загадайте любого сказочного героя. Open your Activity Books on page 64, ex. 1. (Mark with ticks the things the character can do. Get ready to answer your classmates’ questions.)Отметьте в таблице то, что умеет делать задуманный сказочный герой. Будьте готовы ответить на вопросы одноклассников.
      Ch: (отмечают в таблице галочкой, что умеет делать герой сказок, которого они задумали)
      Т: То guess who the character is, make a list of questions. Теперь, чтобы отгадать, кого из героев задумали ваши одноклассники, составьте список вопросов. Two questions are given to start with. Первые два вопроса у вас уже есть, добавьте к ним остальные.
      Ch: (записывают вопросы, затем задают их своим соседям по парте, пытаясь отгадать, кто какого героя задумал. При отгадывании героя происходит смена ролей.)

  • ·        Т.: What’s the title of the lesson? Why? Итак, ребята, чему же мы сегодня научились на уроке?


Я узнал…

Я повторил…

Я запомнил…

Я затруднялся…


IV. Setting homework.

  • SB ex. 4 "My Friend". 

T: Make a list of questions to ask your classmates about their make-believe friends.  Составьте список вопросов, чтобы расспросить ваших одноклассников о том, что умеют делать их придуманные друзья. For example: Can your Friend hunt?

  • SB ex.5 (AB ex.2)


T: Open your Activity Books on page 65, ex. 2. Look at some fairy-tale characters. They are talking about the things they can or can’t do. Remember what they can/can’t do and restore their conversations. Сведения об этих героях вы можете найти в конце Учебника в лингвострановедческом словаре. Don’t forget to listen to the tape to check if you have done the exercise correctly.

V. Summing up. Saying goodbye.


Урок английского языка MY TIPS FOR STAYING HEALTHY

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социокультурный аспект – знакомство с мнениями британских сверстников о здоровом образе жизни;

развивающий аспект – развитие способности к догадке (по аналогии с родным языком), способности к сравнению, объяснению, развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти;

воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, его взглядам; развитие способности формировать свое собственное мнение; осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран; развитие умения сотрудничать; воспитание готовности к коллективному творчеству;

учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков;

сопутствующая задача: развитие умения аудировать с целью понимания основного содержания, развитие умения читать с целью понимания основного содержания и с целью полного понимания прочитанного

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие (1 мин.)

(Слайд 1)


  1. Речевая подготовка (5 мин.)

Let’s start the lesson with the task Combine the proverbs!  In order to be merry we’ll divide into groups.

а) Дети выполняют задание  в группах, в зависимости от количества учеников (5-6 в каждой). Это придает состязательный, живой оттенок уроку, так как с ребенка снимается груз ответственности за ошибку.

Health is better

keeps a doctor away.

Early to bed and early to rise

than wealth.

Healthy mind

but eat to live.

An apple a day

and he who has hope has everything.

Live not to eat

drink with measure.

He who has health has hope,

is bitter poison to others.

A change of activity

without health

Eat with pleasure,

in a healthy body.

What is food for one man

makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Wealth is nothing

is the best rest.


б) Фонетическая отработка пословиц.

(Слайд 2)


  • Health is better than wealth.
  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • Healthy mind in a healthy body.
  • An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  • Live not to eat but eat to live.
  • He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
  • Eat with pleasure, drink with measure.
  • A change of activity is the best rest.
  • What is food for one man is bitter poison to others.
  • Wealth is nothing without health.

в) So, what do you think we will speak today about?

    Дети формулируют тему урока.


  1. 3.      Формирование лексических навыков говорения  (5мин.)

Today, we’ll speak about our health and body and about our well-being (здоровье, благополучие, процветание, благосостояние). We are healthy when all parts of our bodies and of our minds work together properly.  In the past “being healthy” meant not to be ill. Nowadays we realize that “health” does not mean physical health only. It consists of physical, mental and social health. What do we mean when we say “Physical health”, “Mental health”, “Social health”?

(Слайд 3) 


Physical health

is the way you feel about yourself and how you handle your problems.

Mental health

is a condition of your body.

Social health

is the way you build your relationship and establish contacts with people.

Physical health is a condition of your body.

Mental health is the way you feel about yourself and how you handle your problems.

Social health is the way you build your relationship and establish contacts with people.


What does our Physical health depend on?

(Слайд 4)



So, what should/ shouldn’t we do to be physically healthy?

(слайды 5-8)

We should have a medical check and consult doctors regularly.

We should follow the doctor’s advice.


We should take care of our environment.

We shouldn’t pollute soil, water, air.


We should take care of our health for our future children to be healthy.


We should play sports.

We shouldn’t smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs.


  1. Cовершенствование грамматических навыков говорения. Настоящее завершено-длительное время (5 мин.)

Appearance plays a great role in teens’ self-confidence. A lot of health and beauty products help people to look good. What products do some British people use and why? What do they say?

(Слайд 9)

Pair work.

Pupil 1

Say your friend/ his or her sister/mother/father looks great.



Pupil 2

Explain what health and beauty products help you/ your relations to look good.


Ex.2 p.129 (student’s book)


  1. 5.      Совершенствование навыков аудирования (listening for the main idea) (3 мин.)

Ex.1 p.139 (student’s book)

Helen, Bob and Kate are talking about their lifestyles. Listen to their stories and guess who is who in the photos. (One photo is extra).

Key: Helen – photo1, Kate – photo 2, Bob – photo 4.

Do Helen, Kate and Bob care about their health?

  1. 6.      Чтение текста с целью извлечения информации (5 мин.)

Ex.1 (3, 4) p.140 (student’s book)

  1. 7.      Чтение с целью полного понимания прочитанного (5 мин.)

Ex.2 p.140 (student’s book)

  1. 8.      Физкультминутка (1 мин.)
  2. 9.      Совершенствование навыков говорения (7 мин.)

Ex.2 (2) p.141  (student’s book)

Ex.3 p.141 (student’s book)

10.  Совершенствование лексических навыков (6 мин.)

Учащиеся заполняют анкету.

(Слайд 10)

                                     “ASK  YOURSELF”

What are my good health habits?






What are my bad health habits?






What are my tips for staying healthy?






Do I choose a healthy lifestyle?



11.  Домашнее задание (1 мин.)

Ex.4 p.141 (student’s book)

12.  Подведение итогов урока (1 мин.)

(Слайд 11)









План-конспект урока английского языка по теме "Здоровье и личная гигиена" (6 класс. Кузовлев В.П. и др.)

Уроки английского языка Комментарии (1)   

Тема: Здоровье и личная гигиена

Урок  What have you done today to stay healthy?


  • Знакомство с образом жизни британской семьи;
  • Развитие способности к предположению, соотнесению, формулированию выводов;
  • Воспитание уважения к членам семьи, воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, его взглядам;
  • Совершенствование грамматических навыков чтения и говорения.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, сообщение темы урока.

Т: Today we continue studying the topic "Our health". So, we'll speak about a healthy way of life, some health problems and we'll also do some role play.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка Ex.1 p.75
    1. Речевая зарядка.

T: When we have different health problems we consult different doctors. When do you consult a pediatrician/ a surgeon/ a veterinarian/ a dentist?


 PI: When I have a cold I consult a pediatrician.

T: What can people do to get better?

PI: rest in bed, drink a lot of juice, put on a warm compress, etc.

Pair work

-I have a horrible headache.

- Rest in bed.

        4. Проверка домашнего задания.

  T: The English proverb says Health is the first wealth. People should take care of their health. There are some rules about how to stay fit and healthy. Do you know them?

Ex.3 p. 97

What are tips for healthy kids?

Are you a healthy kid?



  1. Совершенствование грамматических навыков чтения и говорения.

(настоящее совершенное время).

1)      Презентация грамматического явления Ex.1 (1) p.98

2)      Автоматизация грамматического явления Ex.1 (4) p.98, Ex.2 p.99

Ex.1 p.75 (рабочая тетрадь) (письменно).

  1. Домашнее задание

№10 стр.123 (рабочая тетрадь) (Составить предложения в настоящем совершенном времени о том, как члены семьи заботятся о своем здоровье).

  1. Рефлексия.

Find 10 words on the topic Health care























































































































































































  1. Подведение итогов урока

Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Здоровый образ жизни".

Уроки английского языка Комментарии (1)   

Разработка урока по теме  «Здоровый образ жизни»

Цели и задачи: 

Учебная: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни», формирование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения понимать речь на слух с целью извлечения общей и детальной информации, совершенствование навыков и умений, над которыми велась работа по данной теме.

Развивающая:  развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению, обобщению, развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения, логического мышления и языковой догадки.

Воспитательная:  формирование потребностей и способностей к коллективной работе, воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, повышение интереса к изучаемому языку, расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование представления о здоровом образе жизни и стремления следовать правилам ЗОЖ.


  • Систематизировать лексические единицы  по темам “Спорт”, “Здоровье”
  • Отработать употребление модального глагола “Should” и условных конструкций
  • Развивать навыки диалогической речи
  • Подготовить учащихся к монологическому высказыванию

Оснащение урока: учебник «English 8», мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал,  карточки  с  речевыми образцами, фотографии спортсменов, диск с музыкальным сопровождением урока.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

a) Учитель приветствует учеников (звучит спокойная музыка).

На доске изображения человечков (улыбающийся, серьезный и грустный).

Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? How do you feel? Do you like the music? What can you say about your spirit? Are you OK now?

Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick.

Дети ставят галочки у изображения соответствующего их настроению и состоянию.

(Этот мини-тест можно провести и в конце урока)


b) Сообщение цели и задач урока. Введение в тему.

На доске записан ряд слов:

Car, gold, family, computer, school, health, friends, cottage, jewel, job.

Children, what thing is the most important for you?

Yes, you are right. Because “Health is the greatest wealth”

2. Речевая разминка. Warming up.

Nowadays people are more health-conscious than they used to be. Look at the famous quotations. Let’s read & translate them.


Today, we’ll speak about our health and body. Let’s do the task Combine the proverbs!  In order to be merry well divide into groups.

Далее все задания дети будут выполнять в группах, в зависимости от количества учеников (4-5 в каждой). Это придает состязательный, живой оттенок уроку, так как с ребенка снимается груз ответственности за ошибку.


  • Health is better                                                       than wealth.
  • Early to bed and early to rise                                 makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • Healthy mind                                                          in a healthy body.
  • An apple a day                                                       keeps a doctor away.
  • Live not to eat                                                         but eat to live.
  • He who has health has hope,                                 and he who has hope has everything.
  • Eat with pleasure,                                                   drink with measure.
  • A change of activity                                                 is the best rest.
  • What is food for one man                                       is bitter poison to others.
  • Wealth is nothing                                                  without wealth

We are healthy when all parts of our bodies & of our minds work together properly.  In the past being healthy ment not to be ill. Nowadays we realize that health is not only physical health. It consists of physical, mental and social health. Please, take sheet 1 (Приложение1) and try to match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health.


Now let’s check your answers.

Look at the next slide & match the statements with different kinds of health.




3. Активизация лексики по теме “Здоровье”. 

What does our health depend on? What influences our health? Look at the diagram & make your conclusions using the given structure. (Приложение 2) 


Your health depends on some factors: genes and body make up we inherit from our parents; environment surrounds us; health care system helps us to improve health, the fourth factor is “Lifestyle”. What factors depend on you and other people.

Let’s sum up our conclusions.

Individual choices are more important than any other factor influencing personal health. I hope your choice will be right.

So as we see it is up to us to make our life healthier. What should we do?  

Let’s pay our attention to the habits. What habits can we speak about?




4. Физические упражнения для отдыха. Быть бодрым за 1 минуту.

Let’s rest a bit.

1. Rub the fingers, making drum’s beat.

(5 sec)

Потрите пальцы рук, имитируя барабанную дробь.

2. Rub your cheeks up and down.

(5 sec)

Потереть щеки вверх-вниз.

3. Knock the top of the head, making drum’s beat.

(5 sec)

Пальцами постучать по макушке головы, имитируя барабанную дробь.

4. Clench fists not strongly stroke the forearms.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Сжать руку в расслабленный кулак и погладить предплечья.

5. Put on carefully thyroid gland with a thumb and a forefinger.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Осторожно надавить на щитовидную железу (ниже кадыка) большим и указательным пальцами.

6. Find carded artery on your neck, put carefully on one side and count from 1 to 5. Make free, breathe deeply, do the same on the other side.

(5 sec)

Найдите на шее сонную артерию, осторожно нажмите пальцами с одной стороны и сосчитав до 5 освободите, дышите глубже. Повторить тоже самое с другой стороны.

7. Put on the hollow bellow the head and put on with a thumb, free.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Найдите большим пальцем впадину в основании черепа, нажмите, сосчитав до 3, отпустите.

5. Выполнение теста (8 мин.) 

Now it’s time to check up if you know the main rules of a healthy lifestyle.  I  have prepared a short test for you. You have to fill in the suitable words in the blanks of the text “What we should do to keep fit”. (Учащиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно, затем взаимопроверка на уроке, выставление отметок, критерии отметок на доске)

Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks. (pril 3)

“What we should do to keep fit”

Everybody should 1)…. . about their health. There are some good 2)…. . for keeping fit. We should keep to a 3)…. . and eat 4)…. . food. Fat food, junk food and sweet things are 5) …. . for our health. We should go in for 6)…. . . We shouldn’t forget 7) …. . routines. We shouldn’t smoke and drink 8)…. . . . It’s important to be in a good 9)…. . every day because 10)…. . emotions make us healthier.

1) A-take 

2) A-decisions 

3) A-diet 

4) A-nice 

5) A-worse 

6) A-sports

7) A-daily 

8) A-soft drinks 

9) A-shape 

10) A-bad 





















What should we do”to be healthy” and what we shouldn’t.

6.Отработка модального глагола should. (Прложение 3) 

Раздаются карточки. Дети составляют утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. Используются выражения:

Eat fruit & vegetables

Drink alcohol

Go to bad late

Do  exercises

Spend more time in the open air

Watch TV too much

Get a good night’s rest



Let’s continue our work

7. Фронтальная работа. Беседа о спорте. (5 мин.) 




 What should we do to be healthy and good-looking?


Different people spend their free time in different ways. Some like traveling, reading books, some listing to music, some enjoys going to the theater and concerts. A lot of people in our country spend too much time watching TV and not enough time taking exercise. How fit are you? Do you exercise more than three times a week? Can you swim? Or are you like a famous writer who said “When I feel like doing some exercise, I lie down and wait until feeling goes?” As you can see, we are going to speak about sport in our life.

Do you think it plays an important role in our life?

Why do many people go in for sport?

(- helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their activities)

What sports and games do you prefer? Why?

What sports or games can you call the most beautiful, the most dangerous, the most/ the least interesting to watch?

 Let’s listen to the tape and guess:

What games do the people play?

Звучит аудиозапись с футбольного матча, с боксерского ринга, слышен стук мяча о корт, лыжные гонки. Дети угадывают, записывают названия видов спорта.

Different people prefer different sports. We say “sport” when we mean physical activity generally and when we mean a particular kind of sport. Can you guess what sports and games are described here?

  1. the sport of fighting with fists;
  2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
  3. the sport of one who swims;
  4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
  5. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
  6. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
  7. the sport of going on horseback;
  8. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.


  1. boxing;
  2. sailing;
  3. swimming;
  4. rugby;
  5. tennis;
  6. rowing;
  7. horseracing;
  8. icy hokey

8.Валеологическая пауза. Зарядка.

It’s time to do some useful exercises

Hands up! Hands down! Hand on the hips! Sit down.

a) Turn to the left. Turn to the right. Clap your hands. That’s right. (2-3 раза)

b) Eyes up. Eyes down.

Eyes to the left. Eyes to the right (2-3 раза)

Shut your eyes

Open your eyes widely (2-3 раза)

Look at your right hand

Look at your left hand

Shake your head (2-3 раза)


8. Работа в парах.

What do you prefer: to watch or to participate? Let’s role play the conversation on page 130 using the statements on page 129.

9.Работа в группах.

How do you think if there is something that unites people with different opinions?  Of course there are different sport events. What different sport events do you know? What is the most important?  Now read the texts & match them in order according to the plan. ( Приложение 4)


Sports and Olympic games (text)

Many people all over the world are interested in sport. Sport helps people to stay healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. They have always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sport ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools, where local or even international competitions are usually held. Traditionally, sport could be divided into professional and amateur sport.
Former Soviet Union and later Ukrainian and Russian sportsmen have set a great number of the world records in gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis, swimming, running, high jumping, etc. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win gold, silver and bronze medals.
The Olympic Games have long history. They started in 776 BC in Greece and took place at Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games. When the Games took place, all the wars stopped. So, the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
Now, there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The International Committee of Olympic Games selects the most suitable. After that, the host city starts its preparations for the competitions, constructs new sport facilities, or reconstructs them, reconstructs stadiums, hotels, press centers, etc. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests arrive to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.
Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980, Moscow hosted the
twenty-second Olympic Games. The last Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. Our sportsmen won sports medals. Групповая проектная работа.

10. Монологическая речь.

You had a task to find some extra, interesting information about Olympic Games.  We have combined all information in one presentation & now ready to present it to you. Listen to it very carefully & after fill in the table using the necessary facts. ( приложение 5)

11.Подведение итогов.

What does our health depend on?

What good and bad habits do you know?

What habits do you follow?

Have you got any health problems?

Why are bad habits dangerous?

Is it useful to go in for sport?

Why is it dangerous sometimes?

Is it true that “Health is the greatest wealth”?

What tasks of our lesson did you like most of all, and why?

I wish you to be healthy and wealthy!

Оценивается работа учеников, избегается сравнение их друг с другом. Отметку можно сообщить в индивидуальном порядке на перемене.

12. Домашнее задание (дифференцировать по уровню знаний):

  • Высокий: подготовить монолог на тему “Влияние спорта на здоровый образ жизни”.
  • Средний: мини-сочинения 8-10 предложений “Полезные и вредные привычки”.
  • Низкий: составить кроссворд на тему “Здоровье и спорт”.


Thanks, Good bye! 

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