Разработка урока по теме  «Здоровый образ жизни»

Цели и задачи: 

Учебная: активизация и закрепление лексики по теме «Спорт и здоровый образ жизни», формирование лексических навыков говорения, развитие умения понимать речь на слух с целью извлечения общей и детальной информации, совершенствование навыков и умений, над которыми велась работа по данной теме.

Развивающая:  развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению, обобщению, развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения, логического мышления и языковой догадки.

Воспитательная:  формирование потребностей и способностей к коллективной работе, воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, повышение интереса к изучаемому языку, расширение кругозора учащихся, формирование представления о здоровом образе жизни и стремления следовать правилам ЗОЖ.


  • Систематизировать лексические единицы  по темам “Спорт”, “Здоровье”
  • Отработать употребление модального глагола “Should” и условных конструкций
  • Развивать навыки диалогической речи
  • Подготовить учащихся к монологическому высказыванию

Оснащение урока: учебник «English 8», мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал,  карточки  с  речевыми образцами, фотографии спортсменов, диск с музыкальным сопровождением урока.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

a) Учитель приветствует учеников (звучит спокойная музыка).

На доске изображения человечков (улыбающийся, серьезный и грустный).

Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? How do you feel? Do you like the music? What can you say about your spirit? Are you OK now?

Now, Boys and Girls come up to the blackboard and put a tick.

Дети ставят галочки у изображения соответствующего их настроению и состоянию.

(Этот мини-тест можно провести и в конце урока)


b) Сообщение цели и задач урока. Введение в тему.

На доске записан ряд слов:

Car, gold, family, computer, school, health, friends, cottage, jewel, job.

Children, what thing is the most important for you?

Yes, you are right. Because “Health is the greatest wealth”

2. Речевая разминка. Warming up.

Nowadays people are more health-conscious than they used to be. Look at the famous quotations. Let’s read & translate them.


Today, we’ll speak about our health and body. Let’s do the task Combine the proverbs!  In order to be merry well divide into groups.

Далее все задания дети будут выполнять в группах, в зависимости от количества учеников (4-5 в каждой). Это придает состязательный, живой оттенок уроку, так как с ребенка снимается груз ответственности за ошибку.


  • Health is better                                                       than wealth.
  • Early to bed and early to rise                                 makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • Healthy mind                                                          in a healthy body.
  • An apple a day                                                       keeps a doctor away.
  • Live not to eat                                                         but eat to live.
  • He who has health has hope,                                 and he who has hope has everything.
  • Eat with pleasure,                                                   drink with measure.
  • A change of activity                                                 is the best rest.
  • What is food for one man                                       is bitter poison to others.
  • Wealth is nothing                                                  without wealth

We are healthy when all parts of our bodies & of our minds work together properly.  In the past being healthy ment not to be ill. Nowadays we realize that health is not only physical health. It consists of physical, mental and social health. Please, take sheet 1 (Приложение1) and try to match the definitions and the words characterizing types of health.


Now let’s check your answers.

Look at the next slide & match the statements with different kinds of health.




3. Активизация лексики по теме “Здоровье”. 

What does our health depend on? What influences our health? Look at the diagram & make your conclusions using the given structure. (Приложение 2) 


Your health depends on some factors: genes and body make up we inherit from our parents; environment surrounds us; health care system helps us to improve health, the fourth factor is “Lifestyle”. What factors depend on you and other people.

Let’s sum up our conclusions.

Individual choices are more important than any other factor influencing personal health. I hope your choice will be right.

So as we see it is up to us to make our life healthier. What should we do?  

Let’s pay our attention to the habits. What habits can we speak about?




4. Физические упражнения для отдыха. Быть бодрым за 1 минуту.

Let’s rest a bit.

1. Rub the fingers, making drum’s beat.

(5 sec)

Потрите пальцы рук, имитируя барабанную дробь.

2. Rub your cheeks up and down.

(5 sec)

Потереть щеки вверх-вниз.

3. Knock the top of the head, making drum’s beat.

(5 sec)

Пальцами постучать по макушке головы, имитируя барабанную дробь.

4. Clench fists not strongly stroke the forearms.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Сжать руку в расслабленный кулак и погладить предплечья.

5. Put on carefully thyroid gland with a thumb and a forefinger.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Осторожно надавить на щитовидную железу (ниже кадыка) большим и указательным пальцами.

6. Find carded artery on your neck, put carefully on one side and count from 1 to 5. Make free, breathe deeply, do the same on the other side.

(5 sec)

Найдите на шее сонную артерию, осторожно нажмите пальцами с одной стороны и сосчитав до 5 освободите, дышите глубже. Повторить тоже самое с другой стороны.

7. Put on the hollow bellow the head and put on with a thumb, free.

(5 sec, 3 times)

Найдите большим пальцем впадину в основании черепа, нажмите, сосчитав до 3, отпустите.

5. Выполнение теста (8 мин.) 

Now it’s time to check up if you know the main rules of a healthy lifestyle.  I  have prepared a short test for you. You have to fill in the suitable words in the blanks of the text “What we should do to keep fit”. (Учащиеся выполняют задание самостоятельно, затем взаимопроверка на уроке, выставление отметок, критерии отметок на доске)

Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks. (pril 3)

“What we should do to keep fit”

Everybody should 1)…. . about their health. There are some good 2)…. . for keeping fit. We should keep to a 3)…. . and eat 4)…. . food. Fat food, junk food and sweet things are 5) …. . for our health. We should go in for 6)…. . . We shouldn’t forget 7) …. . routines. We shouldn’t smoke and drink 8)…. . . . It’s important to be in a good 9)…. . every day because 10)…. . emotions make us healthier.

1) A-take 

2) A-decisions 

3) A-diet 

4) A-nice 

5) A-worse 

6) A-sports

7) A-daily 

8) A-soft drinks 

9) A-shape 

10) A-bad 





















What should we do”to be healthy” and what we shouldn’t.

6.Отработка модального глагола should. (Прложение 3) 

Раздаются карточки. Дети составляют утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. Используются выражения:

Eat fruit & vegetables

Drink alcohol

Go to bad late

Do  exercises

Spend more time in the open air

Watch TV too much

Get a good night’s rest



Let’s continue our work

7. Фронтальная работа. Беседа о спорте. (5 мин.) 




 What should we do to be healthy and good-looking?


Different people spend their free time in different ways. Some like traveling, reading books, some listing to music, some enjoys going to the theater and concerts. A lot of people in our country spend too much time watching TV and not enough time taking exercise. How fit are you? Do you exercise more than three times a week? Can you swim? Or are you like a famous writer who said “When I feel like doing some exercise, I lie down and wait until feeling goes?” As you can see, we are going to speak about sport in our life.

Do you think it plays an important role in our life?

Why do many people go in for sport?

(- helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their activities)

What sports and games do you prefer? Why?

What sports or games can you call the most beautiful, the most dangerous, the most/ the least interesting to watch?

 Let’s listen to the tape and guess:

What games do the people play?

Звучит аудиозапись с футбольного матча, с боксерского ринга, слышен стук мяча о корт, лыжные гонки. Дети угадывают, записывают названия видов спорта.

Different people prefer different sports. We say “sport” when we mean physical activity generally and when we mean a particular kind of sport. Can you guess what sports and games are described here?

  1. the sport of fighting with fists;
  2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
  3. the sport of one who swims;
  4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
  5. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
  6. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
  7. the sport of going on horseback;
  8. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.


  1. boxing;
  2. sailing;
  3. swimming;
  4. rugby;
  5. tennis;
  6. rowing;
  7. horseracing;
  8. icy hokey

8.Валеологическая пауза. Зарядка.

It’s time to do some useful exercises

Hands up! Hands down! Hand on the hips! Sit down.

a) Turn to the left. Turn to the right. Clap your hands. That’s right. (2-3 раза)

b) Eyes up. Eyes down.

Eyes to the left. Eyes to the right (2-3 раза)

Shut your eyes

Open your eyes widely (2-3 раза)

Look at your right hand

Look at your left hand

Shake your head (2-3 раза)


8. Работа в парах.

What do you prefer: to watch or to participate? Let’s role play the conversation on page 130 using the statements on page 129.

9.Работа в группах.

How do you think if there is something that unites people with different opinions?  Of course there are different sport events. What different sport events do you know? What is the most important?  Now read the texts & match them in order according to the plan. ( Приложение 4)


Sports and Olympic games (text)

Many people all over the world are interested in sport. Sport helps people to stay healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. They have always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sport ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools, where local or even international competitions are usually held. Traditionally, sport could be divided into professional and amateur sport.
Former Soviet Union and later Ukrainian and Russian sportsmen have set a great number of the world records in gymnastics, weightlifting, tennis, swimming, running, high jumping, etc. Our sportsmen also participate in the Olympic Games and always win gold, silver and bronze medals.
The Olympic Games have long history. They started in 776 BC in Greece and took place at Olympia. They included many different kinds of sports. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games. When the Games took place, all the wars stopped. So, the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship.
Now, there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The International Committee of Olympic Games selects the most suitable. After that, the host city starts its preparations for the competitions, constructs new sport facilities, or reconstructs them, reconstructs stadiums, hotels, press centers, etc. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests arrive to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.
Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980, Moscow hosted the
twenty-second Olympic Games. The last Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. Our sportsmen won sports medals. Групповая проектная работа.

10. Монологическая речь.

You had a task to find some extra, interesting information about Olympic Games.  We have combined all information in one presentation & now ready to present it to you. Listen to it very carefully & after fill in the table using the necessary facts. ( приложение 5)

11.Подведение итогов.

What does our health depend on?

What good and bad habits do you know?

What habits do you follow?

Have you got any health problems?

Why are bad habits dangerous?

Is it useful to go in for sport?

Why is it dangerous sometimes?

Is it true that “Health is the greatest wealth”?

What tasks of our lesson did you like most of all, and why?

I wish you to be healthy and wealthy!

Оценивается работа учеников, избегается сравнение их друг с другом. Отметку можно сообщить в индивидуальном порядке на перемене.

12. Домашнее задание (дифференцировать по уровню знаний):

  • Высокий: подготовить монолог на тему “Влияние спорта на здоровый образ жизни”.
  • Средний: мини-сочинения 8-10 предложений “Полезные и вредные привычки”.
  • Низкий: составить кроссворд на тему “Здоровье и спорт”.


Thanks, Good bye!